:-) :-D :-| :-( ;-) ;-D :cool:     |1|adresa|2|text odkazu|3| |b-|tučný text|-b| |i-|kurzíva|-i|

Autorova domovská stránka
12. srpen, 2010
Ako tak pozeram, mate novych clenov. Uz teraz sa tesim na ich fotky.
Apropo, nehladate nejakeho učna? Ja by som prihlasil;-)
Vela zdaru!
9. srpen, 2010
diky, dali... ;-)
Autorova domovská stránka
8. srpen, 2010
Ten Sninsky kamen je super!!!:-)
22. červenec, 2010
Amazingly beautiful photographs! Bravo
Graziella Nicoletti
9. červen, 2010
I'm a brazilian girl, and I like so much that website.
You took my breath away! great images!
Must be hard make that work, but I'm sure that is amazing do that.
I'm speechless... so... sorry for my mistakes with my english.
Here's a great admirer. :-D
Congratulations for the beautiful work!
Hugs, Grazi
20. květen, 2010
Uzasne fotografie, dakujem za skvely zazitok! :-)
Autorova domovská stránka
10. únor, 2010
Beautyful pictures! Great site!

Cheers from Germany!
Marichal Claude
Autorova domovská stránka
15. leden, 2010
:-)Superbe,un tout grand merci.
Autorova domovská stránka
12. prosinec, 2009
Photography that touches my heart and soul. Thank you very much!!!
Autorova domovská stránka
8. prosinec, 2009
Jano, dik - pobalil si ma... :-)

Dakujeme vsetkym za povzbudive slova, kazde take potesi a doda stavu do dalsieho cvakania.

Thank you all for positive feedback, we all feel honored and encouraged to shoot and upload more.
8. prosinec, 2009
nadherna zbierka fotohrafii :)
Deo Villasante
Autorova domovská stránka
4. prosinec, 2009
Encantado con vuestra pagina realmente bonita Enhorabuena a todos. Un saludo
Ľubomír Karšai
16. říjen, 2009
Very good work bravo

Nice photos
Serge from France
1. říjen, 2009
Varina, yours articles onto seeing and working light are very beautiful. I really much appreciate them and I thank you a lot to share this testimonial and feeling and love of light and... i don't know how to say exactly (because english is not my natural speaking)... maybe simply your passion with everybody. And also, yours images are so beautiful ! Best regards and go on to love what you do so well!
29. září, 2009
I came across this website when I was looking for pictures of trees. You took my breath away. Truly, an inspirational glow eminates from every photo. Thank-you for showing me a little piece of heaven.
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