Marek Dunajský
Age: 26Country: Slovensko
City: Spišská Nová Ves
Favorite Photographer: Xavier Jamonet
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations:

Camera |
Nikon D7000 |
Nikon N(F)80 |
Lens |
Nikkor 70-300/4,5-5,6 AF S VR |
Nikkor 50/1,4 D AF |
Nikkor 70-300/4,5-5,6 AF S VR |
Nikkor 24-85/3,5-4,5 AFS ED IF |
Nikkor 18-35/3,4-4,5 ED IF |
Filtres |
Cokin CPL |
Cokin ND8 |
Cokin 81B |
Cokin Soft Graduated Set |
Tripod |
Fomei W-600 |
Tomáš Holub
Age: 36Country: Česká Republika
City: Praha
Favorite Photographer: Jiří Havel, Marc Adamus
Favorite Food: stejk s nefiltrovaným Bernardem
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: ....Malý, ale intenzivní kousek štěstí nahoře v horách. To je ono.
Nahoru vede cesta plná potu, skal a ledu, posetá kameny, o které klopýtáme i perličkami štěstí....

Peter Olekšák
Age: 40Country: Slovensko
City: Levoča
Favorite Photographer: Martin Martinček, Karol Plicka
Favorite Food: špagety
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: Moje pocity pri fotení krajiny sú vášeň, úcta a pokora.
„Najlepšie fotografie sú tie, ktoré som ešte neodfotil“. Niektoré nosím v hlave a niektoré prídu mimovoľne samé od seba.

Pavel Hujer
Age: 42Country: Česká republika
City: Jablonec nad Nisou
Favorite Photographer: Václav Sojka
Favorite Food: svíčková, meruňkové knedlíky
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations:
Petr Hlous
Age: 40Country: Czech Republic
City: Liberec
Favorite Photographer:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations:
Martin Rak
Age: 28Country: Česká republika
City: Praha
Favorite Photographer:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations:

Otakar Hevler
Age: 40Country: Switzerland
City: Geneva
Favorite Photographer: Michael Kenna, Galen Rowell
Favorite Food: Sirloin in cream sauce & Pilsner Urquell
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations:

Camera |
Canon EOS 1 |
Ebony RSW 45 |
Mamiya RB 67 Pro S |
Contax 645 |
Canon EOS 5D mark II |
Lens |
Carl Zeiss Planar T* 50mm f/1.4 |
Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 45mm f/2.8 |
Carl Zeiss Planar T* 80mm f/2 |
Canon EF 70-200 f /2.8L USM |
Canon EF 17-40 f /4L USM |
Filtres |
Lee Filters |
Tripod |
Manfrotto 055 CX Pro + Manfrotto ball head 488 RC2 |
Other equipment |
Ilford Pan F |
Kodak T-Max 100 |
Kodak T-Max 400 |
Štefan Mešťan
Age: 46Country: Slovensko
City: Banská Bystrica
Favorite Photographer: Martin Martinček, Karol Kállay
Favorite Food: Makové buchty
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations:

Camera |
Nikon F80 |
Lens |
Nikkor 20mm |
Tamron 19-35mm |
Tokina 24-70mm |
Sigma 70-200mm |
Filtres |
Moose's warming polarizer |
Lee ND Graduated Hard 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 |
Sigma wide polarizer |
Tripod |
Velbon Sherpa 600 |
Other equipment |
Telekonvertor Sigma TC 2.0 |
Marek Potoma
Age: 39Country: Slovakia
City: Bratislava
Favorite Photographer: Daryl Benson, Bruce Percy
Favorite Food: Beer & More
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: I live here and there within Central Europe quite busy with my daily job in the office. I need to get out of it from time to time. The farer the better. And this is where my making photographs began, is done and will continue. With a strong special bias for Slovak landscapes.
And, of course, there is no substitute for passion.

Camera |
Sony NEX-5n |
Linhof Techno 6x9 |
Hasselblad H1 |
Nikon D700 |
Nikon F5 |
Lens |
Rodenstock 90mm |
Schneider 47mm |
Hasselblad 35mm |
Hasselblad 210mm |
Hasselblad 80mm |
Nikkor 17-55 |
Nikkor 70-200 |
Filtres |
Singh-Ray Warming Polarizer |
Lee ND Graduated Hard 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 |
Other equipment |
Phase One P30 |
Róbert Štefanka
Age: 35Country: Slovensko
City: Banská Bystrica
Favorite Photographer: Vilém Heckel
Favorite Food: Horalky (Biscuits)
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations:

Camera |
Lens |
Zenitar Fisheye 16mm |
CANON EF 17-40mm F/4L USM |
CANON EF 50mm f/1,8 II |
CANON EF 70-200mm f/2.8L USM |
Filtres |
Singh Ray Galen Rowell's Graduated ND Filter 3 f-stop hrad |
Singh Ray Galen Rowell's Graduated ND Filter 2 f-stop hrad |
Moose HMC Warm C-PL |
Tripod |
Manfrotto 190PROB+484RC2+141RCNAT |
Miso Tekel
Age: 33Country: UK
City: Nottingham , East Midlands
Favorite Photographer: Ansel Adams, Karol Kallay
Favorite Food: everything and more
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations:

Camera |
Nikon F70 |
Nikon FM2 |
Nikon F5 |
Lens |
Nikon NIKKOR 20mm 1:2.8 D |
Nikon NIKKOR 50mm 1:1.8 D |
Nikon NIKKOR 80-200mm 1:2.8 D ED |
AF Nikkor 35-80 mm / 1:4 - 5,6 D |
AF Nikkor 18-35 mm / 1:3.5-4.5 IF-ED |
Filtres |
Cokin filter system P |
Tripod |
Stativ Manfrotto 190PRO |
029 3-D Standard Head |
488 RC0 MIDI Ball Head |
Other equipment |
Nikon SB-600 |
Scaner Nikon Coolscan IV ED |
Michal Vitásek (administrator)
Age: 28Country: Czech Republic
City: Prague
Favorite Photographer: Michael Kenna, Joseph Hoflehner
Favorite Food: Vepřo, knedlo, zelo :-)
Favorite Photo website:
Buy my pictures:
Personal Website:
Black & white photography:
Landscape website:
Panoramic photography:
Photograhic workshops:
General Informations: Not too long ago I fell in love with photography, but I already know why. I want to show the world the beauties of the Czech Republic.

Camera |
Toyo 45A (4×5") |
Canon 5D Mark II. |
Lens |
Canon 17-40/4.0 L |
Carl Zeiss 50/1.4 |
Canon 300/4.0 L IS |
Canon 24-70/2.8 L |
Canon TS-E 24mm f/3.5 L |
Canon TC 1.4× |
Canon TC 2× |
Canon 70-200/4.0 L |
Tripod |
Manfrotto 155 RC2 |
Manfrotto 055 PROB |
Manfrotto MA 488RC2 |
Other equipment |
Lowepro Computrekker Plus AW |
Boris Michalicek
Age: 30Country: Slovakia
Favorite Photographer:
Favorite Food: hot dog
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: I just love nature, travel, people. I love landscape in morning colours, i love almoust monochromatic misty days, and i love to feel the country, light and energy from it. The main reason is not to take a picture, the main reason is to be there, at those amazing moments and feel them. And if somebody can feel those moments from my pictures, i am happy

Camera |
Nikon D90 |
Nikon D700 |
Lens |
Tamron 17-35/2,8-4 |
Sigma 70-200/2,8 |
Nikkor 50/1,8 |
Filtres |
Lee ND Filters Set |
Tripod |
Welbon Sherpa 250 |
Ondřej Prosický
Age: 33Country: Česká Republika
City: Praha
Favorite Photographer: Vincent Munier, Steve Bloom, Andy Rouse
Favorite Food: Red Wine
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: Coming soon...

Camera |
Canon EOS 5D Mark II |
Canon EOS 1D Mark III |
Lens |
Canon EF 17-40mm f/4 L USM |
Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM |
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM |
Canon EF 200mm f/2.8 L USM |
Canon EF 500mm f/4 L IS USM |
Filtres |
LEE filtrs system |
Václav Sojka
Age: 47Country: Česká Republika
City: Chřibská
Favorite Photographer:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations:

Camera |
Canon EOS 5D Mark ll |
Lens |
Sigma 15/2,8 |
Canon 17 - 40/4 L |
Canon 50/1,4 |
Canon 100/2,8 |
Canon 300/4 L IS |
Pali Hradiský
Favorite Photographer:
Favorite Food:
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: Skauting, turistika, hory, lezenie a fotenie...
Mám rád chvíle strávené vonku v noci pod hviezdami, ráno keď sa dotknú krajiny prvé lúče slnka...či už sú to Alpy alebo les za mestom. Karimatka, spacák, foťák a nož, pár dní voľ je to čo ma robí naozaj štastným.
A potom ukazovať všetkým (až im idem na nervy) na fotkách čo som videl a zažil :))
Nemám vyhranený štýl fotenia. A asi ani nikdy mať nebudem. Fotím lebo ma to baví a to, čo sa mi páči.
Či už klasicky alebo digitálne, vždy je doležitý výsledok. Mám rad fotku v ruke na papieri alebo premietnutú na stene z diákov (podporované dymom z vodnej fajky s jablkovou príchuťou, pred sebou hrianky, tatarský biftek a krígel piva).

Marek Švanter
Age: 31Country: Slovakia
City: Bratislava
Favorite Photographer: Sebastiao Salgado.. and many others
Favorite Food:
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: I love the world around us. Especially those places away from cities. There's so much beauty.
Often I wander there looking for unique moments - the first morning rays of sun somewhere high up in the mountains, misty lakes beneath me, foggy forests or reflections of colours from the sky in the snowy country. These moments are rare for me.. and like many others, I love them.
This is the reason why I started to take photographs - I wanted to capture the landscape in the beauty of these unique moments - for me and also for others.
The world I see through my eyes is not necessarily the same as the world through yours. Mine is often full of colours and contrasts.
It's my world as I see it..
.. my world, my feelings from that place I want to share with you.

Camera |
Canon EOS 50D |
Lens |
EF 17-40 f/4L |
EF 70-200 f/4L |
EF 50mm f/1.8 II |
EF 85mm f/1.8 USM |
Filtres |
Marcel Fujcik
Age: 36Country: Česká republika
City: Ostrava
Favorite Photographer: Jiří Havel, Philip Plisson
Favorite Food: řízek a bramborový salát
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: Narodil jsem se 16.3.1974 v Karviné. Mám vystudovanou Střední průmyslovou školu strojnickou.
Většinu svého profesního života pracuji v reklamních agenturách, kde mám na starost především počítačovou grafiku.
V roce 2002 jsem založil reklamní agenturu MARF a začínám se naplno věnovat svému největšímu koníčku – fotografii.
Nejraději se objektivem rozhlížím po krajině svého srdce a snažím se zachytit světlo neopakovatelné krásy chráněné krajinné oblasti Beskyd.
V letošním roce se chystám vydat již v pořadí šestý nástěnný kalendář Beskyd.
K fotografování používám Mamiyu RB67, Hasselblad XPan, Horizont S3 Pro a Canon 5D Mark II.
Kromě fotografování mám ještě jednu velkou vášeň – sbírám staré fotografické přístroje, především české výroby.

Camera |
CANON 5D Mark II. |
Mamiya RB67 |
Hasselblad XPan |
Horizont S3 Pro |
Lens |
CANON EF 400mm f/5.6L USM |
CANON EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS USM |
CANON EF 50mm f/1.4 USM |
CANON TS-E 24mm f/3.5L |
CANON EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM |
CANON Extender EF 1.4x II |
Filtres |
Tripod |
GT5561SGT |
Štefan Kordoš
Age: 37Country: Slovensko
City: Banská Bystrica
Favorite Photographer: Marc Adamus, Martin Martinček, Ladislav Struhár, Rastislav Bero
Favorite Food: Slivkove gule s makom
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: Photographing since 1989.
Publishing photos in calendars with themes of Slovak nature.
Most of all I love to take pictures of my homeland, Slovakia,
especially "Podpolanie", part where I live in. Slovakia is small
country in the middle of Europe, but unbelievably beautiful.
The best time of the day to make pictures is sunset and sunrise for me, when country is full of colours for a few minutes, which could not be seen the whole day.
That´s why I love pink and purple snow.
I love mostly pictures from ABOVE, with many horizons.
Hunting for LiGHT, that´s my Destiny
Creatio Ex Nihilo, Ex Nihilo Nihil ...

Camera |
Pentax 67 |
Pentax PZ-1p |
Pentax Me Super |
Pentax MZ-6 |
Pentax K-7 |
Lens |
SMC Pentax 15/4 Limited |
Tokina 20-35/3.5-4.5 |
Tamron 90/2.8 SP AF |
Sigma 100-300/F4 EX |
SMC Takumar 6x7 105/2.4 |
SMC Takumar 6x7 200/4 |
SMC Pentax 67 45/4 |
Filtres |
Lee ND Grad 0.9 Hard |
Singh Ray Warming Circular Polarizer |
Kenko Zéta Circular Polarizer |
Sigma EX Wide Polarizer |
Tripod |
Manfrotto 055 PRO BLACK + 488 RC0 BallHead |
Benro A-350EX |
Daniel Dvorsky
Age: 33Country: Slovakia, Canada
City: Velka Lomnica, North Vancouver
Favorite Photographer: Ragnar Axelsson
Favorite Food:
Favorite Photo website:
Personal Website:
General Informations: